Shirt: (old)
Pants: H&M
Moccassins: Minnetonka
Do you ever have those days where you want to look cute and put together but you want to be super comfortable and casual? Well that was my mood this day! I have tons of floral button up shirts like this one hiding in the back of my closet so I decided it was time for them to come out and play!
Wes and I drove by our soon be lot and they are making lots of progress. The lots are supposed to become available in April so we can finally put our money down. I can hardly stand the wait. It will be so fun to pick out paint, tile, counter tops and all of the nooks and crannies. Luckily, Wes and I have similar taste in decor so it should be fun and pretty easy. Who knows before this is all over The Platinum Blonde may be a fashion and home decor blog...
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